Peer-reviewed publications
-Ramirez,D., Povedano, E., García, A., & Lund, M. (2024) Smoke’s Enduring Legacy: Bridging Early-Life Smoking Exposure and Later Life Epigenetic Age Acceleration. Demography. DOWNLOAD
-Oris, M., Mazzoni, S., Ramiro, D. (2024) Did the 1917–21 economic depression accelerate the epidemiological transition? Milk prices, summer peak of mortality, and food-and-water causes of death in Madrid, Spain. Explorations in Economic History. DOWNLOAD
-Tamayo, M. , Olivares, M. , Ruas-Madiedo, P. , Margolles, A. , Espín, J.C., Medina, I. , Moreno-Arribas, M.V., Canals, S. , Mirasso, C.R. , Ortín, S. , Beltrán-Sanchez, H. , Palloni, A., Tomás-Barberán, F.A., & Sanz, Y. (2024) How Diet and Lifestyle Can Fine-Tune Gut Microbiomes for Healthy Aging, Annual Review of Food Science and Technology. DOWNLOAD
-Adam M. Lippert, Daniel J. Corsi, Rockli Kim, Robbee Wedow, Jinho Kim, Beza Taddess, M.A. and S.V. Subramanian (2024) Polygenic and socioeconomic contributions to nicotine use and cardiometabolic health in early mid-life. PNAS Nexus. DOWNLOAD
-Bueno, C., Gómez-Moreno, G. and Palloni, A. (2024). Empirical evidence of predictive adaptive response in humans: systematic review and meta-analysis of migrant populations. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. DOWNLOAD
-Huangfu,Y., Palloni,A. Beltran-Sanchez,H. and McEniry,M. (2023). Gene-Environment interactions and the case of body mass index and obesity: how much do they matter? PNAS Nexus. DOWNLOAD
-Aldea, N., Ordanovich, D., Palloni, A., Ramiro, D., Viciana, F. (2023) Infuence of place of birth on adult mortality: the case of Spain. European Journal of Population. DOWNLOAD
-Ordanovich, D., Ramiro, D., Tobías, A. (2023) Temporal variation of the temperature-mortality association in Spain: a nationwide analysis. Environmental Health. DONWLOAD
-Palloni,A., Ramirez,D. and Daza, S. (2023). Early childhood origins of modern social class health disparities. In Rasmus Hoffman (ed) Handbook of Health Inequalities Across the Life Course. London: Edward Elgar Publishing. DOWNLOAD
-Fletcher, J. M., Engelman, M., Johnson, N. J., Hakes, J., Palloni, A. (2023) Understanding Geographic Disparities in Mortality. Demography – Population Association of America. DOWNLOAD
-Koning, Stephanie M.; Palloni, A., Nobles, J. Coxhead, L. (2022) The reach of fertility decline: a longitudinal analysis of human capital gains across generations. Genus. DOWNLOAD
-Beltrán-Sánchez, H., Palloni,A., Huangfu Y. and McEniry, M. (2022). Modeling biological age and its link to the aging process. PNAS Nexus. DOWNLOAD
-Aktar, R and Palloni A. (2022). Ready-Willing-Able: early childhood mortality decline in Turkey.2022. Population Studies. DOWNLOAD
-Aldea, N. (2022). Mortality impact of the Covid-19 epidemic on immigrant populations in Spain. SSM-Population Health. DOWNLOAD
-Haas, S., and Ramirez-Smith, D. (2022). Childhood exposure to war and adult onset of cardiometabolic disorders among older Europeans. Social Science & Medicine. DOWNLOAD
-Ramirez-Smith, D., and Haas, S. (2022). Windows of Vulnerability: Consequences of Exposure Timing during the Dutch Hunger Winter. Population and Development Review. DOWNLOAD
-Beltran-Sanchez, H., Palloni, A., Huangfu, Y., & McEniry, M. (2022). Modeling Biological Age and its Link with the Aging Process. PNAS Nexus. DOWNLOAD
-Daza, S., & Palloni, A. (2022). Early Exposure to County Income Mobility and Adult Individual Health in the United States. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences. DOWNLOAD
–Palloni, A., Beltrán-Sánchez, H., Pinto, G., (2021) Estimation of older-adult mortality from information distorted by systematic age misreporting. Population Studies. DOWNLOAD
-Palloni, P., Friderick, J., Gómez-Moreno, G. (2021) DOHaD y la evolución de la obesidad y del síndrome metabólico en las poblaciones modernas. R.A. Caparros-González and A. de la Torre-Luque. Programación Fetal: La Influencia del Periodo Prenatal en la Vida Postnatal. Pirámide. DOWNLOAD
-Ramirez-Smith, D., and Haas, S. (2021). The Long Arm of Conflict: How Timing shapes the Impact of Childhood Exposure to War. Demography. DOWNLOAD
-Palloni, A. (2021). Covid-19 Aftermath and Population Science’s Research Agenda. In Covid-19 and the Global Demographic Research Agenda (Landis MacKellar and Rachel Friedman, pp. 47–53). DOWNLOAD
-Xu, W., Engelman, M., Palloni, A., & Fletcher, J. (2020). Where and When: Sharpening the lens on geographic disparities in mortality. SSM – Population Health, 12. DOWNLOAD
-Palloni, A., McEniry, M., Huangfu, Y., & Beltran-Sanchez, H. (2020). Impacts of the 1918 flu on survivors’ nutritional status: A double quasi-natural experiment. PLOS ONE, 15(10), e0232805. DOWNLOAD
-Monteverde, M., Palloni, A., Guillén, M., & Tomas, S. (2020). Early Poverty and Future Life Expectancy with Disability among the Elderly in Argentina. Revista Latinoamericana de Población, 14(26), 5–22. DOWNLOAD
-Daza, S., Palloni, A., & Jones, J. (2020). The Consequences of Incarceration for Mortality in the United States. Demography, 57(2), 577–598. DOWNLOAD
Working papers
–Aldea, N., Garcia, A., Beltrán-Sánchez, H., Daza, S., Palloni, A. (2024) Impact of genetic heritability, assortative mating, and fertility differentials on population-level obesity trends. DOWNLOAD
-Muñoz, I.G., Gómez Moreno, G., Bueno C., Aldea N., Lund M. & Palloni A. (2024) Grandparental Co-residence, Grandchildren Nutrition, and The Role of Demographic and Health Regimes. DOWNLOAD
-Ramirez, D., & Haas, S. (2022). Windows of Vulnerability: Heterogeneous late-life consequences contingent on timing of Dutch Hunger Winter exposure. DOWNLOAD
-Haas, S., & Ramirez, D. (2021). Childhood Exposure to War and Adult Onset of Cardiometabolic Disorders. DOWNLOAD
-Palloni, A., Frederick, J., & Gómez Moreno, G. (2021). DOHaD and the evolution of obesity and metabolic syndrome in modern populations. In Programacion Fetal (Caparros, R. editor) (pp. 27–56). Ediciones Pirámide. DOWNLOAD
-Huangfu, Y., Palloni, A., Beltran-Sanchez, H., & McEniry, M. (2021). Gene-Environment Interactions: the case of BMI in the US. DOWNLOAD
-Daza, S., & Palloni, A. (2021). Exploring the link between place’s income mobility and mortality using an agent-based model. DOWNLOAD
-Ramirez, D. (2021) Before My Time: A Study on the Effects of Early Life Famine Exposure on Mortality DOWNLOAD
–Daza, S., & Palloni, A. (2021). Distinguishing between interaction and dispersion effects in GxE analysis. DOWNLOAD
-Voigt, M., Daza, S., Ordanovich, D., & Palloni, A. (2020). Trends in Education-specific Differences in Disability-Free Life Expectancy in Spain, 2008-2017. DOWNLOAD
-Thomas, J., Palloni, A., & Jackson, H. (2020). Early Childhood and Adult Health Disparities. DOWNLOAD
-Palloni, A., & McEniry, M. (2020). Early childhood experiences and adult mortality: Evidence from three studies of elderly adults. DOWNLOAD
-Beltrán-Sánchez, H., Palloni, A., Huangfu, Y., & McEniry, M. (2019). Population-level impact of adverse early life conditions on adult healthy life expectancy in low and middle-income countries. DOWNLOAD
García, A. (2024) Cultural Capital in Childhood: The Hidden Factor in the Transmission of Socioeconomic Health-Gradients. Population Association of America (PAA) Poster
-García, A. (2024) Cultural Capital in Childhood: A Hidden Factor in Socioeconomic Health Transmission. European Population Conference (EPC) Poster
–Aldea, N., García, A.,Beltrán-Sánchez, h., Daza, S., Palloni, A. (2024) Impact of genetic heritability, assortative mating, and fertility differentials on population-level obesity trends. PAA Annual Meeting. (OH, USA) Poster
–Aldea, N. (2024) Relation of migration flows and mortality of immigrants in Spain: double-selection as an aftermath of the Great Recession. PAA Annual Meeting. (OH, USA) Poster
–García, A., Povedano, E., Ruiz, S. (2023) Can epigenetic clocks better capture childhood insults? Testing GrimAge algorithm using Structural Equation Modeling at different stages of the life course. Population Association of America. Poster
–Aldea, N., Ordanovich, D., Palloni, A., Ramiro, D.,Viciana, F. (2023) Influence of Place of Birth on Adult Mortality: The Case of Spain. Exploring Population Heterogeneities Conference. Austrian Academy of Sciences. Austria. Poster
–Aldea, N., Muñoz, I.G., Palloni, A. (2023) The consequences of increasing adult prevalence of chronic diseases linked with obesity on the “grandmother effect”. Evolutionary Demography Meeting. Natural History Museum. France. Poster
–García, A. (2023) The missing piece of the puzzle in the intergenerational transmission of Socioeconomic Health Gradients: Childhood cultural capital and long-term health consequences. Exploring Population Heterogeneities. Poster
-García, A. (October 2023). The effect of childhood cultural capital on behavioral risks and health outcomes measured with GrimAge Integrating Genetics and the Social Sciences 2023 (IGSS 2023). DOWNLOAD
-Ramirez, D. et al. (2023). Smoking over the life course and epigenetic aging. Population Association of America. Session: Biological Aging Consequences of Life Course Exposures. DOWNLOAD