Data Protection Policy


The purpose of this document is to inform candidates for job positions published in the ECHO website about the treatment of their personal data, in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union.

The ECHO project is headed by Alberto Palloni and hosted by the Institute of Economy, Geography and Demography of the Spanish National Research Council (Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)). This ECHO project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 788582). This data protection policy reflects only the authors’ view and the European Research Council Executive Agency and the European Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

Data collected

Upon the participation in a job recruitment process, all candidates are requested to submit personal data by e-mail to the selection committee of the ECHO project, headed by Alberto Palloni. Such information includes: name, e-mail address, telephone, curriculum vitae, a letter of interest and contact information for references. Each candidate is the sole responsible for the truthfulness of her/his data. Moreover, by sending the contact information for references, each candidate declares that she/he has the permission to do so.


The data collected through participation in a job recruitment process will be collected, processed and used with the sole purpose of assessing the candidates’ suitability for the job position and to communicate with them throughout the duration of the process. Candidates might be contacted after the job recruitment process in the case of re-opening of positions. Only the data required for the assessment of the candidates’ suitability for the job position will be requested.


The data collected through the participation in a job recruitment process will be confidential and only the selection committee of the ECHO project will have access to them. No data will be transferred to third parties without explicit consent from the candidates.

Security and storage of the data

The data collected through the participation in a job recruitment process will be stored in a server owned by CSIC maximum until the end of the ECHO project (29th of February 2024). Only the CSIC personnel is entitled to have a username and a password to access this server, which is situated in Spain.The folder containing personal information will be only accessible by the selection committee of the ECHO project. No third parties will be able to access this folder.

Your rights pertaining your data

Upon the participation in a job recruitment process, candidates have the right to request that the ECHO team rectifies or erases any personal data at any time. An informal e-mail making this request is sufficient. The data processed before we receive your request may still be legally processed. To request the rectification or the erase of the collected data or for inquiries about the job recruitment process, please contact:

Alberto Palloni (Principal Investigator)

Institute of Economy, Geography and Demography

Centre for Human and Social Sciences

C/Albasanz, 26, Madrid (Spain)



All candidates participating in the job recruitment processes published in the ECHO website accept the treatment of their personal data according to this Data Protection Policy.